I can tell you two reasons. One I can control and the other I can't.
First, what I can't control. The price. I never understood how an few pieces of fabric, cut a-symmetrically, and sewn together could cost so dang much. I know how to sew. Pretty well I might add. So, I've always told myself "I can make that for so much less!".
Second, what I CAN control. I
Guess what?!?!?!? They don't!
You know why?
I'm a PERSON, not the side of a barn!!
I know, right?!?!? Your mind is blown, isn't it? First you were reading my blog, and then your mind blew apart. You thought the side of a barn was writing this.
Go ahead ~ admit it.
You know I'm kidding, right?!?!?!
But, here's the thing~
We tell ourselves all sorts of junk. Everyday. All day. We fill our heads full of so many lies and then we water those lies. Heck, we pour crap loads of manure (pun intended) over those lies and they grow deep and strong. Just like weeds.
You want to know a secret? Weeds don't need any help to grow.
How about another secret? When productive plants grow large enough, there isn't enough light for the weeds. They either die, or they grow small and slowly enough they are easily pulled out.
Be careful what you cultivate.
I went shopping the other day with a friend and found a maxi skirt on clearance. I briefly wondered if I were crazy to try it on. But, I've been trying to water the productive "plants" in my life instead of the weeds, so I did it. I took the plunge. And, it felt amazing!!
It still does!
It didn't hurt that the price was finally right.
Maybe God knew I was finally ready to rip out that weed.
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