Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Jules ~ #OneThingWednesday

I want to talk to you about friendship.

The that kind makes you a better person,  makes you wonder what your life would look like had that friendship never happened, and makes you grateful you took a chance.

I want to talk to you about Jules.

When I was younger, the romantic in me believed pivotal moments were presented with great fanfare ~ a grand gesture, declaration, drama... something that would mark the significance.

As I get older, the realist in me has learned the moments that change my life often come wrapped up in the ordinary. And most times, the true significance can't be seen until years later.

When I met her, it was such an average Sunday. Albeit, I was in a new church and had finally worked up the courage to check out the "young adults" group. Frankly, it was intimidating because they had all pretty much grown up together and I was the "outsider". Yeah, it shouldn't' be like that in a church, but that's a post for another day. She was in that group and I met her that first day.

We became fast friends. The timing was just perfect because my parents were preparing to move out of state and I needed to find an apartment. She was looking to make a change in her life and we decided to take the leap to become roommates. People kind of thought we were crazy because we really hardly knew each other. But, we were convinced God had opened a door for us and we ran right through it!

And wow, what an adventure!!!!

We roomed together through college, boyfriends, fights, losing jobs, getting new jobs, losing friends, making new friends, missions trips, surprise birthday parties, burned pop tarts, speeding tickets, singing lessons, new apartments, other roommates, psycho landlords, youth leadership, being pranked, late night talks, restaurant runs paid for with money found in the couch, the Chris Farley era of SNL, countless movies, breakdowns, breakups, laughter, tears, joys and sorrows.

Somewhere along the way, she became my family.

That didn't change when we moved into places of our own, got new jobs, and started spreading our wings in the great city in which we lived. Life changed around us, but no matter the day, comfort could be found at one another's kitchen table or couch (or a reeaalllllly long drive). For over a decade, we were blessed with the constant, physical presence of intersecting lives.

But, as it often goes in life, the last few years have seen the type of  changes for each of us that sent our lives in opposite directions. God has our lives on different paths in different cities. Even though they are blessings, marriage, kids, and moving have a way of causing our path to twist and turn. But, among the people I hold dearest in my heart, she is quite near the top.

I have come to believe that God allowed us that time to grow up together so that we would be able to journey in the next chapter of our lives stronger, more confident, and more complete than if we had done that alone.

I also believe that true friendship can never be broken~ regardless of time, distance, circumstances or life. Once someone is written on your heart, they can never be erased.

Today is her birthday. So, I celebrate her. And, all that she is, all God is doing in her life, and all that she means to me.

I told you guys in the beginning this blog was to journey through my healing and to encourage you in yours. Whatever that means. Healing isn't just about the physical changes we make to reach a goal. I plan to continue drinking my water, but for each day this week, I will consciously stop to be grateful for a specific person who has journeyed with me. Without them, I would not be who I am today. I have found great healing and freedom in focusing on my blessings instead of my trials. That is my #OneThing. I challenge you again to find something, anything, that encourages you to reach beyond where you are right this very minute to become more of who you were made to be.

Today I'm grateful for Jules. Happy birthday, dear friend!


  1. Ok so this is my second attempt at posting but ut told me I had to sign in and a picture of myself came up I was like I have a google account so I had to go wake up Jeff and get him to you know just "fix it"so I could post. .most people reading this are at this point like your life long friend is a idiot but you know better..lol
    My dear friend this was the best birthday gift ever! I love you so very much. I still remember the that day in Sunday School when we just came up with the idea to move out. Did I even know your last name at that point? All the fun all the tears all the growing up we did. Have I ever told you. .I believe there are so many reasons God put you in my life but I believe one of the main ones is simply as a protector. I can't imagine the mistakes I would have made without you. I truly believe I am a better person, better mother, better friend for having you in my life and the things we went through. You made ok for me to look at the different things in life and be ok with loving it. Different cities but the same place in my heart always! There are very few people I trust as much as I do you.
