Wednesday, July 23, 2014

That one thing... #OneThingWednesday

Let's face it, there are about a kazillion ideas out there on how to be healthy.

I know people who are:

  • going to a physician monitored weight loss company
  • vegetarians
  • vegan
  • gluten-free
  • follow a "points based plan"
  • Paleo-ites
  • on the other side of a weight loss surgery
  • juicing
  • eating only raw foods
  • eating only natural and / or organic foods
This list can go on, can't it? Everyone I know who subscribes to each option can tell me all the reasons why it works for them. And, it is overwhelming ~ especially to a perfectionist like me. I spend so much time researching options. I have given hours (probably more like weeks or months!) of my life in pursuit of the BEST choice for optimal health. All this does is paralyze me. I become so overwhelmed by all the ideas that I make no change for fear of doing something wrong.

It's not rocket science, folks. Calories in < calories burned = weight loss.

Yes, you need to be healthy in the process. I'm not talking about the extremes of this equation (bulemia, anorexia, unbalanced caloric intake, etc). I'm just talking about good, old fashioned common sense.

Here's what I believe. God made our bodies with a daily budget of needs. He created us to need vitamins, minerals, nutrients, water, calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, exercise, and daily time with Him. And, he created us to need these again tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on. Anything on this list, taken in extreme, will set our hearts, minds, and bodies out of balance. 

I also believe that positive, lasting healing happens one choice at a time. 

So, here's my challenge to myself and to all of you. Every week, let's identify the One Thing we can do to make a positive change. It doesn't matter if it is physical, spiritual, mental, or emotional. All of those areas are important, but it the rare person who can tackle them all at once.

I would encourage you to keep track of your commitments. 

Seeing progress is a powerful motivator ~ especially if you feel you have a big mountain to climb. 

I will be posting mine and keeping track here. It's my accountability. I would love to support you as well.

My one thing for this week is water/hydration. I am aiming for 75-80 ounces / day of water or green tea. I have been doing this for a week and am down 6 pounds. Clearly I was massively dehydrated and my body was holding onto any liquid it could find. I am continuing to work on this for the upcoming week.

Come on, join in!

What's your ONE THING?

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit them together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous—and how well I know it. Psalm 139:13-14 TLB

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